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Helena Wild

Helena is one of our original vocalists and has truly become the right hand of this project! Not only does she contribute outstanding multi voices to her songs but she is also the graphic designer and one of the video creators of this project!

Helena is also a member of our sub-group "The Four Witches of the Apocalypse" in her character of THE MISTRESS OF CHAOS!

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Valerie Chudentsova

Valerie's outstanding covers on youtube allowed me to discover one beautiful tone of voice and a very impressive range! Valerie is a great asset to this project not only with her musical talents, but her strong, confident demeanor comes through in every song that she records! Val is also one of "The Four Witches of the Apocalypse" in her character as THE DUCHESS OF FURY!

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Karin Montt

Karin was also discovered on youtube with her band Slaverty's video of their song called "Dementia" Karin's elegance and class, along with her piercing eyes and wonderful classical voice are tremendous assets for this project! Karin also has a sweet personality and a sneaky little sense of humor in there! Of course she also one of our "Witches" in a perfect role for her: LADY RAVEN! 

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Anna KiaRa

Anna is a very well established vocalist having been the heart and soul of her previous band Imperial Age. Anna has broken off on her own and has formed her own band called "Anna KiaRa"! They have already released 2 great albums and are touring Europe again this summer of 2024 !

Anna also sings with the band Njorda! Anna's outgoing personality and ready smile are always a pleasure to behold! Of course she is also one of our Witches in her role as the RED DEMON LADY!

Helena Wild

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Valerie Chudentsova

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Karin Montt

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Anna KiaRa

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